Buster Brown's Painting Book
The Dutch Boy's Jingle Paint Book
Planters: Presidents Coloring Book
Planters: Famous Men
Peter Pan Peanut Butter
Elsie's Fun Book
Made Rite: Circus
Frito Kid: Circus
Frito Kid: Jungle
Frito Kid: Western
Frito Kid: Circus
Sparkie: Who Am I?
Sparkie and Twinkle
Buster Brown Safety Coloring Book
Buster Brown Coloring Book
Elsie the Cow
Sambo's: Tiger Tamers Special!!
Elsie the Cow
Sambo's Coloring Book
Reddy Kilowatt
Planters: Fun Days
Tastee-Freez Fun and Games Book
Sambo's: Tiger Tamers Special!!
Big Boy Coloring Book
Buster Brown Coloring Book
Little Oscar and the Bandit
Twinkles, Sanford and Wilbur
Aunt Jemima: Hooray!
Peter Pan Peanut Butter
Dairy Queen: Curl Top Coloring Book
Fruit Stripes Coloring Book

Otto the Orkin Man
Rub a Dub: Dial Soap
Chiquita Banana
Cap'N Crunch
Quake Adventure Book
Keebler Coloring Book
Reddy Kilowatt
Quiz Kid Coloring Book
Nestle Quik: Holiday Fun Book
Lucky's Hidden Picture Game Book!
Pez Safety
Lucky Charms Circus Parade

How to Be a Good Monster
Elsies Tales
Dinty Moore Coloring Book
Burger King: Bicycle Safety
KFC: Space Action
Around the World with Terry Toyota
Oster Super Pan

Woodsy Owl Coloring Book
Burger King: Where Kids Are King
Burger King: Draw & Color
Buster Brown Kinder-Cology
Hungry Bunch: Breakfast Mountain
Planters: Heritage of 200 Years
Piggly Wiggly Coloring Book
Sambo's: Bicentennial Coloring Book
Campbells: A Story of Soup
Nestle: The Chocolate Factory
Loony Packages
Dr. Popdoodle's Monsters
Captain Midnight Action Book
The Fall of Mr. Toothdecay
Buster Brown Weather Facts & Fun
Planters: Presidents Coloring Book
Sambo's Family Fun Book
Snap! Crackle! Pop!: 50 Years With...
Ihop the Kangaroo Coloring Book
Crest Cavity Fighting Team Activity Book
McGruff the Crime Dog
McGruff: Crime Prevention
Play It Safe
Kellogg's 75th Anniversary
Pillsbury Coloring Book
Duncan Hines Coloring Book
Dunkin Donuts
Shamu and His Crew
Piggly Wiggly Coloring Book
Louie the Lightning Bug
Kellogg's Circus Coloring Book
Campbells: Garden of Goodies
Sea World
McGruff the Crime Dog
Shamu Stamp Book
Peter Pan Peanut Butter
Melvin Coloring Book
Ernie Keebler: Nature Time
Kool-Aid Man
Ernie Keebler: Work and Play
Rooster's Early Morning on the Farm
Snap! Crackle! Pop! Funtime Book
Cracker Jack Coloring Book
Louie the Lightning Bug
Cracker Jack Coloring Book
Ernie Keebler: The Elves' Vacation
McGruff Coloring Book
Snap! Crackle! Pop! A Counting Book
Snap! Crackle! Pop! At the Playground
Ernie Keebler: School Days
Toucan Sam: ABCs
Instant Activities for Your Commodore
Ernie Keebler: Activity Fun
Ernie Keebler: Around the Year
Toucan Sam: Animal Friends
Tony the Tiger: Words
Tony the Tiger: Sizes and Shapes
Tony the Tiger: Colors
Tony the Tiger: Counting
Tony the Tiger: ABCs
Tony the Tiger: Numbers
Little Caesar Visits the Zoo
Nerds: Joke and Coloring Book
Nerds: House of Wax
Toys R Us: Coloring Book
Nerds: Case of the Fading Nerds

Scrubbing Bubbles
Green Giant: Adventures with Sprout
Round Town
Toys R Us: Day at the Fair
A Big day with Big Boy
Dunkin Donuts Coloring Book
M&Ms Coloring Book

Toys R Us: Geoffrey's Time Traveling Fun Book
Toys R Us: Storytime Fun Book
McGruff: Crack Down on Drugs
Crayola Coupon Coloring Book
Campbells: Serving Up Safety
Chester Cheetah
Izzy: Quest for Olympic Gold
Big Boy: Painting Fun
Toys R Us: Coloring Book
McGruff Goes to Court
Michelin Coloring Book
M&Ms: I'm Outta Here!
M&Ms: Coloring & Activity Book
M&Ms: You Crack Me Up!
Tony the Tiger: A Delightful Day
Tony the Tiger: Mornings Are Fun!
Operation Lifesaver
Toys R Us: Coloring Book
Peeps Coloring and Activity Book