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Toy Line

When people think about the cartoons they watched as a kid, many also reminisce about the matching toys they had to play with while watching the show. Some shows sprang from a toy line, and vice versa, but in the end there was twice as much fun. You'll find Crystar, The Ginghams, and Major Matt Mason right here.

Show Titles Images Comments Impressions
Action Man  0 0 0
Agent Zero M  0 0 0
Baby Beans  0 0 0
Baby Dolls  5 0 2342
Barbie  353 1 705622
Barbie & the Rockers  25 0 51598
Barnyard Commandos  0 0 0
Battle Beasts  0 0 0
Betsy McCall  0 0 0
Betty Spaghetty  0 0 0
Bialosky Bear  0 0 0
Big Jim  0 0 0
Board Games  0 0 0
Bratz  5 0 2401
Breyer Horses  0 0 0
Cabbage Patch Kids  0 0 0
Calico Critters  0 0 0
Captain Action  0 0 0
Charmin' Chatty  0 0 0
Chatty Cathy  0 0 0
Cheerful Tearful  0 0 0
Cherry Merry Muffin  0 0 0
Cocomelon  0 0 0
Commercial Characters  20 0 29502
Cootie Bugs  0 0 0
Cricket  4 0 4209
Crissy  6 0 3306
Critter Sitters  15 0 19597
Cry Babies Magic Tears  0 0 0
DC Super Heroes  71 1 85880
Drowsy Doll  0 0 0
Elf on the Shelf: An Elf's Story  0 0 0
Ever After High  0 0 0
Fingerlings  0 0 0
Firffels  0 0 0
Flatsy Sisters, The  0 0 0
Food Fighters  8 1 13672
Furby  0 0 0
Garbage Pail Kids  0 0 0
GI Joe  19 0 33955
  1 2 3 4 5 of 5   

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