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The Comics

The newspaper funnies were some of the first places to find comics that everyone could enjoy, and in the early days some of those comics were licensed out for coloring books. Characters like Dick Tracy, Red Ryder, and The Peanuts got their own books for everyone to color and enjoy.

Show Titles Images Comments Impressions
Adventures of Smilin' Jack, The  0 0 0
Alley Oop  0 0 0
Angel  0 0 0
Archies, The  19 0 86875
Asterix  0 0 0
Avengers  8 0 9385
B.C.  0 0 0
Bananaman  2 0 1905
Batman  15 0 30079
Bazooka Joe  0 0 0
Beano  0 0 0
Beetle Bailey  6 0 10513
Billy & Buddy  0 0 0
Blondie  0 0 0
Broom-Hilda  0 0 0
Buck Rogers  0 0 0
Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars  6 0 4963
Captain America  23 0 29328
Cartoon Collection  19 0 15788
Comic Strips  3 0 5351
Commercial Characters  20 0 29502
Condorito  0 0 0
Danger Girl  0 0 0
DC Super Heroes  71 1 85879
Dennis & Gnasher  0 0 0
Dennis the Menace  5 0 903
Dick Tracy  0 0 0
Dick Tracy (1990)  0 0 0
Dizzy Duck  0 0 0
Electro-Man  0 0 0
ElfQuest  0 0 0
Family Circus, The  13 0 11126
Fantastic Four  9 0 6813
Fathom  0 0 0
Flash Gordon  0 0 0
Freckles and his Friends  0 0 0
Garfield  24 0 13828
Green Hornet  7 0 9073
Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel's  0 0 0
Harveytoons  0 0 0
  1 2 3 of 3   

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