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Live Action Series

Not every kids show is animated. Just think of The Power Rangers, Great Space Coaster, and Sesame Street. They are mostly people and puppets, but still kid's shows nonetheless. Some also fit into Educational or Preschool categories, so there are quite a few that are also classified under multiple genres.

Show Titles Images Comments Impressions
True-Life Adventures, Disney  0 0 0
Trumptonshire  5 0 5531
Tweenies  0 0 0
UFO War Bankid  0 0 0
Ultrahero (Ultraman)  0 0 0
Ultraman  4 0 4051
Ultraman 80  0 0 0
Ultraman Ace  0 0 0
Ultraman Cosmos  0 0 0
Ultraman Decker  0 0 0
Ultraman Dyna  0 0 0
Ultraman Gaia  0 0 0
Ultraman Great  0 0 0
Ultraman Leo  0 0 0
Ultraman Max  0 0 0
Ultraman Mebius  5 0 7080
Ultraman Nexus  0 0 0
Ultraman Redman  0 0 0
Ultraman Taro  0 0 0
Ultraman Tiga  0 0 0
Ultraseven  0 0 0
Utau! Dai Ryugujo  0 0 0
Vampire  0 0 0
Waffles + Mochi  0 0 0
Warrior of Love Rainbowman (70s)  0 0 0
WGN-TV Shows  0 0 0
Whizzo  0 0 0
Wiggles, The  0 0 0
Wonder Pets!  0 0 0
Wonderbug  0 0 0
Wrestling Star Aztecizer  0 0 0
Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss, The  0 0 0
X-Bomber  0 0 0
Yo Gabba Gabba!  4 0 2299
Yugen Jikkou Sisters Chouchoutrian  0 0 0
Zone Fighter  0 0 0
Zoobilee Zoo  0 0 0
  4 5 6 7 8 of 8   

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